SARA Convince yourself of the exquisite materials which, in combination, offer a cosy atmosphere to spend time in.In each of our realisations, the building materialwood, which belongs to a chalet, is an important element. This is presented here in a refined way. PROJECTS


villigerhus Überzeugen Sie sich von den auserlesenen Materialien welche in Kombination eine gemütliche Atmosphäre zum verweilen bieten. Bei jeder unserer Realisationen ist der Baustoff Holz, welcher zu einem Chalet dazugehört, ein wichtiges Element. Dies wird hier gekonnt in Szene gesetzt.  PROJEKTE


schiebhuus Convince yourself of the exquisite materials which,in combination, offer a cosy atmosphere to spend time in.In each of our realisations, the building materialwood, which belongs to a chalet, is an important element. This is presented here in a refined way.  PROJEKTE


COEUR DE GSTAAD Convince yourself of the exquisite materials which, in combination, offer a cosy atmosphere to spend time in. In each of our realisations, the building material wood, which belongs to a chalet, is an important element. This is presented here in a refined way. PROJECTS


hotel spitzhorn Convince yourself of the exquisite materials which, in combination, offer a cosy atmosphere to spend time in. In each of our realisations, the building material wood, which belongs to a chalet, is an important element. This is presented here in a refined way. 


ferme des champs Convince yourself of the exquisite materials which, in combination, offer a cosy atmosphere to spend time in. In each of our realisations, the building material wood, which belongs to a chalet, is an important element. This is presented here in a refined way PROJECTS